Lego Boost Pinball

I’m a little obsessed with Pinball. I've already built some versions of them, but this one is very special because it is built of the pieces of one set.

If you have Lego Boost 17101 set and Road Base Plate you can make it. To download the building instructions and the Scratch program click links below.

Good luck!

EV3 sumo fights with Scratch

This video shows very simple Scratch code to EV3 sumo fights. After starting the robot goes straight. When it leaves the white circle, it turns left. When something gets in its way, it speeds up.

We can change the robot's operation by changing turning left time and changing of the detection distance from the other robot.

Lego® EV3 with Scratch - How to smoothly control motor speed

I used the set Lego® Friends Olivia's Hamster Playground 41383 to show you how to control the EV3 motor speed in Scratch.

The motor speed can be set in Scratch by the "Motor A set power block". In this block we can enter the power in percent or substitude a variable.

In the first examle I'm setting the power with the arrow keys.

In the second example I'm controling it by another motor.